Maker Challenge Day 13: Stop Hammer

less than 1 minute read

Collaboration time!

stop hammer

My husband and I live by the three rules of engineering:

  1. Always use the right tool for the job.
  2. The right tool is always a hammer.
  3. Anything can be a hammer.

We have a lot of hammers. One of my favorites is the STOP hammer, which is very large, very heavy, and has “STOP” written on it in reverse with a welding bead. It leaves STOP embedded in softer objects, and is very good at smashing things.

As a gift for a friend, we made the wooden STOP hammer. There are four octagonal disks (two outer disks, and two as supports on the inside) that lock into the outer panels. The first hammer had engraved text, and the second has embossed text. I made a raster engraving of the same text I cut out - this made it easy to put the individual letters right where I wanted them. One hammer is already stained and being prepared for shipping out to our friend, and the one in the photo will be stained over the weekend so I can bring it to work.
