Maker Challenge Day 30: NOMCON Backdrop Segment

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Back to making stuff not related to work! NOMCON is a conference for people who make things and/or lead creative spaces, and there will be a backdrop made up of lots of individual segments that will be assembled to form a map of the United States. People were asked to make a segment and send it in, and I couldn’t resist the urge to make this one light up.

I bought LED string lights to use because I didn’t feel like soldering LEDs together myself, but the battery holder was much too large. I ended up cutting it off and replacing it with a coin cell battery. The top layer is very thin pink acrylic, and the rest is made of layered plywood. I needed a way to access the inside to replace batteries and access the power switch, so I split it into two sections that connect with magnets.

nomcon off

nomcon open