Maker Challenge Day 9: Engraved Glasses

less than 1 minute read

When we bought the laser, we also got the rotary attachment. My husband set it up today, so today’s been all about cylinders! We went out this morning and picked up some cheap glasses to experiment with.

The FSL rotary attachment isn’t particularly well documented, but Hans Kahlert did a great job of explaining it.

Here’s a picture of the finished glass:

engraved glass

I created a few glasses with this design as a small end-of-school-year gift for a few colleagues who are RBG fans. The design itself was pretty easy to create. There’s no interlocking, and it’s all raster. The hardest part was drawing up the dissent collar - there are some great designs out there already, but I didn’t find any available for use, so I made my own design.

where women belong


  • Glasses: 99 cents at Target

No need for a special download link on this one. If you like my design and want to use it, you can just save the image above.

Creative Commons License
Where Women Belong by Jackie Gerstein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.